Friday, October 23, 2009

Musical Blogs

Once again...I am switching things again with my blog. Rather than make a new one, I am going back to an old one, the reason will be given there. Thanks to all of you who followed along. Click here for the new/old blog.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Road Trip

Becca eluded in her blog about our recent road trip with more details to follow. Here are some of the scenic places we saw along the way...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

San Juan Silouhuette

(San Juan Mountains as the sun went down, creating an alpine glow)
Yes...!!! I got my camera back! Now, I have a bunch a pictures to catch up on, which shouldn't be hard in the next few weeks. Have a great weekend everyone.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Aspens in Black and White

We did make it to the high country for a little while yesterday. We left prematurely which Rebecca will cover in a later blog as to why (she'll be able to sensationalize it better :) Meanwhile, I took a few pictures of the surroundings. Be sure to click on any of these pictures to see the full version, and even download them for your desktop of screen saver.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Frozen Roses

These rose hips are really showing off their red color before all the leaves fall off in just a few more weeks. We're going to head back to the high country again today to see if there are any more leaves to see...stay tuned!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Los Sangres en Blanco

Working the "late shift"at work the past few weeks has put me at the airport around sunset. It was not quite sunset yesterday when I snapped this of the Sangre de Cristos with their new white blanket.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Day of Fall

This past weekend as the first day of fall came upon us, it was more like the first day of winter here. Snow showers and sleet were blanketing the area. Even parts of Colorado were under winter storm warnings. Things do change fast here at 7500 feet.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I guess this slow elk (cow) thought it best to take sanctuary in this abandoned cabin so as to avoid being thought of as an elk and shot during hunting season. Why else would a cow be in a house?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Changing Seasons

After church this past weekend we briefly went to the high country. The colors are beginning to change and should be peaked in about 7-10 days. Hopefully we will have some more free time to get back up there.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Going to Seed

It's amazing how fast things grow here in order to guarantee their growth for the coming year. Literally, it seems that plants sprout, grow, and go to seed in about 2 months, and then it is all about waiting until next year...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When Lions Attack

This big yellow beast was recently spotted trying to attack Brooklyn and I while we went on our snake hunting expedition...luckily we avoided most of his slobbery attempts at gumming us to death...he might have been distracted by a duck or two!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here Comes the White Stuff

While we had rain on the valley floor this past weekend, the high country is already getting the white stuff. It won't be long now until we are getting out the snow, where did summer go?!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Snake Charmer

All I can say is you should have seen the look on Grandma's face when Brooklyn walked into the house with this little guy...priceless!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Backyard Sunrise

With my full work schedule and MY camera still in a broken status...there hasn't been a lot of time for some good photo taking. Hopefully I will get off my duff and get my camera sent off this weekend. I feel like my daughters without their blankie...I don't know how life goes on without it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all had a nice labor day. We sure did. Cannot say we did a whole lot, other than traveled to the mountains. They were stunning and gorgeous as usual, and cold. At 12,000+ feet, fall is almost over, winter seems to be blowing in already. It won't be long till the photo above is covered in snow.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Time for Chilies

Ah, can you smell them? There is NOTHING like the smell of roasting anahiem chilies this time of year. When Becca and I were overseas we used to long for this unique, once a year smell. We bought some fresh chilies yesterday at the farmers market and now have plenty for future use awaiting us in our freezer. Just in case anyone was wondering, there will be Mexican food in Heaven, and when you are fortunate enough to eat it here on earth, no need to pray over is already blessed!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Camping in the Backyard

You don't have to go far here to enjoy a nice camping experience with great views and a relaxing atmosphere. I'm sure Becca will be posting some more pics (with people) on her blog soon. Here is what the sunset did for us as we were cooking hot dogs in our kiva.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Backyard Sunset

After returning home a few nights ago from a walk in our neighborhood, this is what God was painting as the sun was setting.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Almost Harvest Time

Summers are too short here. This barley field is just days away from being collected into the bin...or sent to the hopper to make Coor's Beer. Regardless of it's use, the quick seasons here at 7500feet in the Rocky Mountains remind us of life's own seasons, and how we must make the most of them while they are happening, because we often look back wondering where all the time went.

Earthen Farmhouse

Things have sure changed on the farm over the last century. I would be willing to bet that the family that used to live in this house was large, and was still content to have a roof over their heads and loved ones around them. It seems like now all we want is a bigger house where we can all get away from each other and have our own space...ironic.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Accent to Mt. Blanca

This past Saturday a coworker and I left early in the morning in order to climb nearby 14,345ft. Mt. Blanca. We were able to drive part of the distance, and then we hiked and climbed the remaining 4 miles each way. It couldn't have been a better day. Even while we were on the summit, the wind was calm and the temperature was warming. Both the climb and the drive were thrilling, and we were even home for dinner.

This video shows a 360 degree of what there is to see from the summit. Yes, I am chewing and smacking. I didn't realize it until I watched the video when I got home. Lunch at the summit was awesome!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hay Ride

Continuing my series of photos from the family reunion, one evening all the little kids (yes there are a bunch of little ones) jumped on the hay wagon for a ride around the pasture. I got the feeling they all had a blast, and thankfully no one fell off.

Time for New Shoes

Again while at the family reunion, some of the horses were scheduled to get some new shoes put on. All I know from watching this event countless times over my life is that horseshoeing (ferrying) is not for wimps. It is hard work.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You Might Be a Redneck if...

What is a good family reunion without some good ol' wholesome potato gun shooting. After we finally found some good black powder (i.e. Aqua Net hair spray) we were launching potatoes and apples somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 yards. All that participated usually reveled in a Tim Taylor moment after they fired their ordinance. Even 84 year old Great Grandma Jean took a turn, although I didn't hear her grunting in pride afterward. We'll have to work on that part next time...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Breakfast Delivery

What cannot be seen in this photo is the fresh, hot, cinnamon rolls that this Amish family was bringing us for breakfast while at the family reunion. Them was some good groceries!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Way of the Buffalo

While at a family reunion this past weekend, I captured this Tee Pee as the sun was going down. It was set up for all the kids to play in and that they did. Great times and memories built together as a family. More pictures to follow, at least of the landscape type. For those of you who want actual people in my pictures, look to Becca's blog.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Aspens with Indian Paintbrush

Hopefully I can keep some pictures coming. Yesterday I went to get some more crop dusting photos only to find that my camera body has bitten the dust. I cannot figure out what is wrong, so now I am looking for repair centers. I hope it can be fixed...inexpensively.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Again, while at the Great Sand Dunes NP, the dragonflies seemed to be busy along the trail just like us. So, while we sat and ate some PB&J's for lunch, I captured a few as they perched near the creek by which we were eating.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sand Dunes NP

Another photo from our recent trip to the Dunes. Seen in the background is the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rest Area

Seen south of the old Summitville mine area, the hills in the background are always stunning due to their oxidation from high iron content. While I was trying to get a picture, the rest of my tribe was stretching it's legs and enjoying the view as well.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wiley Coyote

As I peered through my telephoto lens to capture this coyote, I could sure tell he was hot in the midday July heat. He wasn't in too much of a hurry to run off either. Any unnecessary effort wasn't going to happen very easily. Finally, as I pondered getting closer he decided it might be best to run off.


My girls were sure delighted to see a fresh pair of Bambies as we drove along the Rio Grande yesterday. These mule dear fawns couldn't be much more than a few months old since they still have their spots.

Hay Season

Any trip around rural America these days and I'm sure you will see hay bales of some shape or size around. Locally, these bales are comprised of what is called native hay. It is a type of grass that is natural to the area and grows in really wet, lowlying areas. Alfalfa bales and straw bales are also very common as well.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Return to the Dunes

Yesterday, we made it back to the Great Sand Dunes NP. While we didn't actually set foot on the dunes themselves, we were rewarded with stunning views as we hiked a nearby trail around the perimeter of the Park.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Testing, Testing

This summer we have had a few different aircraft in Alamosa to perform what they call "hot and high" testing. Yesterday, Cessna flew into Alamosa with it's new prototype Citation CJ4 to perform some different engine starting tests. Most recently we had Eurocopter here for a week doing some tests for the military in their EC145. Cessna also has had their Citation Mustang in for similar engine start tests. It's always fun to pretend we have a small part in aircraft development.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Springtime Crawl

At the end of May, I took a filght to pick up some customers and was able to enjoy some fresh snow blanketing the high peaks. Although it was less than two months ago, snow still made it down to around 11,500 feet. It always amazes us that we have the possibility for snow and freezing temperatures 8-9 months out of the year. That is a little different than the eternal spring we had in Ecuador.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


(The yucca plants are really blooming hard, making for some beautiful hillsides.)

With the unusual amount of moisture this summer, the wildflowers look awesome. They are sprouting everywhere in large quantities as well.

(Indian Paintbrush)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer High Country

A few weekends ago, we took a long tour through the mountains to Platoro, Colorado just cuz. As can be expected, we were rewarded with awesome scenery and cool, clean mountain air. It had been over 10 years ago, since Becca and I had made that trip. We weren't even married then, just young lovebirds. Now we are just older lovebirds with 3 cute little girls in our quiver.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Alamosa Airshow

For two hours yesterday we enjoyed various avation acts from acrobatic performers to local pilots simply flying thier different aircraft around for those the see. After watching the eye popping manuevers that the aerobatic pilots performed, Brooklyn said she wanted me to do that with her some day. I always thought a lomcovak looked easy. Maybe some day I will try it with her.
Some of the aircraft that showed up in included antique airplanes like this Sopwith. There was also a local nut that did a sweet show with his helicopter.

Dark and Stormy Night

As I was going to bed last night, Becca said the lightning was really lighting up the sky north of us. I was really suprised to see how strong that thunderstorm was that late in the night in the Colorado high country. I was able to get a few shots, although it makes me wish for more specialized equipment for the next time.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lockheed C130 Flyby

Yesterday a C130 was practicing instrument approaches into Alamosa. Upon request, they stayed at their minimum altitude a bit longer and gave us all an up close view of the huge airplane before pouring on the coals and rocketing skyward. What a cool plane!

I'm off to the local airshow now. Technically I have to work, but my camera won't be too far away.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Last weekend we had the makings of a great day to go to the sand dunes. I started snapping pictures even before we made it through the main entrance. And then...I ran out of least the digital equivalent. My battery went dead. A gross oversight on my part, as numerous photo ops abounded. Oh well! That is why we bought the season pass to come and go when we want for a year. Hopefully we can get back soon. If we could just get some more of that stuff called free time.

Click on this image to make it larger. You will see the little people in the distance scurrying up the dunes. Also, at the bottom center of the photo is a mommy mule dear with a fresh fawn in tow.

(Going to a small airshow tomorrow...hopefully I won't run out of film!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Crop Circles

A few days ago, I had the chance to fly to Taos, New Mexico to fix an airplane. One of the airplanes two magnetos decided to eat itself up inside, so we fixed it, and I flew it 35 minutes south to re-install it. While flying southbound, I noticed a hay circle still cut in preparation for bailing. Most farmers already have their first cutting done and in the barn, so it was fun to see a straggler out there and get his picture.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rio Grande Bluffs

This is a pre-Spring shot of Las Mesitas from the Rio Grande Bluffs near the Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge. I liked how the virga in the distance was whipped into mist on the ground by the downdrafts from the clouds.

Springtime Galloping

It's always fun to see all the new life that emerges during the spring. This colt was only a few days old when I took this picture back in mid-May.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Another Blog?!

(North of Durango, Colorado while en route to Montrose, Colorado picking up customers)

I have been working lately on turning our old blogs the "Jungle Aviator" and the "Mexico Aviator" into books lately and was re-inspired to record some of our life again through a blog. I feel like God has blessed us so much, and this is an easy way to reflect on what is happening in our lives and give thanks where thanks is due. I probably won't be writing much, just posting pictures with a brief description. I'm sure the look of things may change with time, but I just wanted to get something going and take my time with the design. Thanks for stopping by...

Customer Delivery Flight

As I turned onto the final approach course for landing at Alamosa, a thunderstorm was making it's way across parts of the San Luis Valley.

This is a molybdenum mine near Questa, New Mexico. Due to low prices, most of the workers were recenly laid off. Needless to say, they left a big hole in the mountain.