Saturday, August 22, 2009

Camping in the Backyard

You don't have to go far here to enjoy a nice camping experience with great views and a relaxing atmosphere. I'm sure Becca will be posting some more pics (with people) on her blog soon. Here is what the sunset did for us as we were cooking hot dogs in our kiva.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Backyard Sunset

After returning home a few nights ago from a walk in our neighborhood, this is what God was painting as the sun was setting.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Almost Harvest Time

Summers are too short here. This barley field is just days away from being collected into the bin...or sent to the hopper to make Coor's Beer. Regardless of it's use, the quick seasons here at 7500feet in the Rocky Mountains remind us of life's own seasons, and how we must make the most of them while they are happening, because we often look back wondering where all the time went.

Earthen Farmhouse

Things have sure changed on the farm over the last century. I would be willing to bet that the family that used to live in this house was large, and was still content to have a roof over their heads and loved ones around them. It seems like now all we want is a bigger house where we can all get away from each other and have our own space...ironic.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Accent to Mt. Blanca

This past Saturday a coworker and I left early in the morning in order to climb nearby 14,345ft. Mt. Blanca. We were able to drive part of the distance, and then we hiked and climbed the remaining 4 miles each way. It couldn't have been a better day. Even while we were on the summit, the wind was calm and the temperature was warming. Both the climb and the drive were thrilling, and we were even home for dinner.

This video shows a 360 degree of what there is to see from the summit. Yes, I am chewing and smacking. I didn't realize it until I watched the video when I got home. Lunch at the summit was awesome!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hay Ride

Continuing my series of photos from the family reunion, one evening all the little kids (yes there are a bunch of little ones) jumped on the hay wagon for a ride around the pasture. I got the feeling they all had a blast, and thankfully no one fell off.

Time for New Shoes

Again while at the family reunion, some of the horses were scheduled to get some new shoes put on. All I know from watching this event countless times over my life is that horseshoeing (ferrying) is not for wimps. It is hard work.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

You Might Be a Redneck if...

What is a good family reunion without some good ol' wholesome potato gun shooting. After we finally found some good black powder (i.e. Aqua Net hair spray) we were launching potatoes and apples somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 yards. All that participated usually reveled in a Tim Taylor moment after they fired their ordinance. Even 84 year old Great Grandma Jean took a turn, although I didn't hear her grunting in pride afterward. We'll have to work on that part next time...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Breakfast Delivery

What cannot be seen in this photo is the fresh, hot, cinnamon rolls that this Amish family was bringing us for breakfast while at the family reunion. Them was some good groceries!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Way of the Buffalo

While at a family reunion this past weekend, I captured this Tee Pee as the sun was going down. It was set up for all the kids to play in and that they did. Great times and memories built together as a family. More pictures to follow, at least of the landscape type. For those of you who want actual people in my pictures, look to Becca's blog.